Menu: Case Procedures

Case Read

Reads case input file from disk.  Input files can be stored in any disk directory.  Version 6.x Input files have an extension of '.BTB'  (e.g., 'KEYSTONE.BTB').  These are ASCII text files that are created by the Case Save procedure.  They can also viewed and edited independently with a text editor, such as MS Notepad or MS Word. 

Case Translate

Translates a Bathtub Version 5.x  input file into a Version 6.x input file.  Version 5.x input files have an ".BIN" extension (e.g., KEYSTONE.BIN).  Theseare binary and cannot be viewed or edited independently. Version 6.x inputs files have a ".BTB" extension (e.g., KEYSTONE.BTB). 


The translation process adjusts for changes in case specifications between the two program versions.   When the translation is complete, the file is saved in the ".BTB" format for subsequent use with the current version of the program.


No routine is currently provided for translation of Version 4.x input files.  These can be translated to Version 5 files using the Version 5 (DOS) software, then translated again into Version 6.


Case Save

Saves the current input data without changing the file name or disk directory.

Case Save As

Saves the current input data to a new file.  The file can be located in any disk directory.


Case New

Resets current input values & starts a new case with one segment and one tributary.  Model options & coefficients are reset to default values .

Case Default

Reads the default input file 'default.btb' located in the Bathtub program directory.