Steady-State Model Applied to DMSTA Calibration Lakes & Other Florida Lakes
Model: R =   K'  /  (  K'  +  Q )
R = reduction in flow-weighted mean concentration (considers atmospheric deposition)
Q = hydraulic load (m/yr)
K' = net settling rate for steady-state model (m/yr)
Lines - predicted concentration reduction with K =  1.4, 2.8, 5.6 m/yr Std Error
Red symbols - DMSTA calibration datasets 14%
Blue symbols - lakes sampled in USEPA National Eutrophication Survey (1973) * 19%
Lakes with inflow P concentration < 1000 ppb
* U.S.E.P.A., "A Compendium of Lake & Reservoir Data Collected by the National Eutrophication Survey in Eastern, North-Central, & Southwestern United States", Working Paper No. 475,  Corvallis Environmental Research Lab and Environmental Monitoring & Support Lab, Las Vegas, September 1978. 