Calibration Dataset Ranges D R A F T
Variable Units Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Calib Period days 641 4017 693 4017 693 1522 245 1062 1460 5843
Calib K m/yr 12 23 27 49 46 64 18 34 1 8
Mean Depth * cm 35 76 38 66 62 87 13 52 90 304
Max Depth cm 47 131 71 123 75 132 22 65 187 457
Freq Z < 10 cm * % 0% 9% 0% 13% 0% 0% 0% 38% 0% 0%
Hydraulic Load cm/day 1.1 6.5 3.0 6.9 5.1 12.7 2.8 14.6 0.4 17.6
Residence Time days 8 66 7 22 5 17 1 19 8 714
Velocity cm/sec 0.04 0.45 0.16 0.48 0.30 0.64 0.01 1.12 0.05 1.32
Flow/Width * md/2 26 210 69 276 162 374 3 132 68 1135
Areal Load mg/m2-yr 382 2908 222 1919 1649 5279 142 1447 212 11781
Storage mg/m2 921 4299 171 1494 903 2959 96 911 200 4994
Inflow Conc ppb 39 283 17 110 36 153 7 56 78 1144
FWM Outflow Conc ppb 20 150 8 28 15 57 6 15 50 767
Outflow GeoMean ppb 19 125 8 21 15 55 5 15 39 725
Marsh GeoMean ppb 19 128 8 20 16 56 5 15 38 725
Inflow & Outflow Conc * ppb 20 283 8 110 15 153 6 56 50 1144
Variable ranges for model applications - used to trigger warning messages
Depth (cm) Q/W (m2/d) Conc (ppb) Freq Z < 10 cm (%)
Calibration K CV(K) Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
EMERG_3 16.8 0.20 35 76 26 210 19.5 800 0% 9%
PEW_3 34.9 0.21 38 66 69 276 8.0 110 0% 13%
SAV_3 52.5 0.16 62 87 162 374 14.9 153 0% 0%
PSTA_3 23.6 0.22 13 60 3 132 5.9 56 0% 38%
RES_3 5.0 0.45 90 304 68 1135 50.3 1144 0% 0%
Concentration ranges for FWM inflows & outflows
Max concentration for emergent increased from 283 pbb to 800 ppb, based upon first half of Iron Bridge time series
Max depth for PSTA increased to 60 cm to reflect range of test cell operation.