Secchi/Chlorophyll-a Model

Secchi Model 1 predicts transparency using the following model:


   1 / SECCHI  =  ALPHA + BETA * CHL-A


ALPHA = non-algal turbidity (1/m)

BETA = Secchi/Chlorophll-a Slope (m2/mg)


ALPHA represents non-algal turbidity, or the portion of light extinction that is due to factors other than algae (inorganic suspended solids, color).  This typically ranges from 0.08 to >2 1/m. 

I f Secchi Model 1, Chlorophyll-a Model 1 , and/or Chlorophyll-a Model 2 are used, the following considerations apply:


The BETA value applies to all model segments and is specified on the Model Coefficients input screen. The default value for BETA (= .025 m2/mg) has been calibrated to CE reservoir data.  Experience in applying the model suggests that lower BETA values (.01 - .02 m2/mg) are typical of lakes and reservoirs which are dominated by flake-forming blugreen algae or other algal types with large cells. BETA values can be adjusted downward to account  for this type of situation.  Variations in BETA may also reflect differences in measurement procedures for Chl-a and transparency. BETA may be calibrated to site-specific Chl-a and transparency data.