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STA & Reservoir Performance Measures for the Everglades Restudy

Results for Calendar Years 1965-1995


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This page summarizes water and mass-balance results for Calendar Years 1965-1995.  This period is being used for evaluating alternatives under the Everglades Restudy.   Results assume that BMP's in the Everglades Agricultural Area achieve a 25% reduction in phosphorus loads, relative to loads measured in 1979-1988.

Figures & Discussion:


WCA Inflows , 1965-1995

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These charts summarize average WCA inflows for 1965-1995.   Source categories include untreated runoff, STA outflows, untreated lake releases,  LEC water supply delivered through WCA's, and other (* inflows from L8 and Acme Drainage District not routed through STA's).

Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge Inflows, 1965-1995

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These charts summarize average inflows to ARM Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge for Calendar Years 1965-1995.   Source categories include untreated runoff, STA outflows, untreated lake releases,  LEC water supply delivered through WCA's, and other (* inflows from L8 and Acme Drainage District not routed through STA's).

STA Bypasses , 1965-1995

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These charts show average bypassed flows and loads for each alternative and STA in Calendar Years 1965-1995. 

STA Inflows, 1965-1995

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These charts show flows, loads, & concentrations in the combined inflows to the STA's & EAA Reservoirs for 1965-1995.   Results for each alternative are compared with the STA conceptual design for Water Years 1979-1988.  The combined inflow to each STA consists of the treatment area inflow plus high-flow bypass.

STA Outflows, 1965-1995

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These charts show flows, loads, & concentrations in the combined outflows from the STA's (= inflows to Water Conservation Areas) for 1965-1995.   Results for each alternative are compared with the STA conceptual design for Water Years 1979-1988.  The combined outflow from each STA consists of the treatment area outflow plus high-flow bypass.

STA Bypass Percentage, 1965-1995

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These charts show high-flow bypass flow & load for1965-1995 as percentages of the combined discharge from each STA.   The combined discharge consists of the STA outflow plus high-flow bypass.

Load Reductions in Metric Tons / Year, 1965-1995

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This chart shows the predicted load reductions for each alternative and STA/Reservoir.   Inflow & outflow loads from STA-34 are adjusted for phosphorus trapping in the EAA storage reservoir.

Load Reductions as Percent of Inflow Loads, 1965-1995

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This chart shows average load reductions for the 1965-1995 planning interval.  The reductions reflect changes in volume and concentration between the inflow and outflow of each STA or Reservoir.    Outflows reflect the combined discharge from each STA (treatment area outflows and high-flow bypasses).   Inflows include STA inflows and high-flow bypasses.

Concentration Reductions, 1965-1995

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This chart shows average concentration reductions for 1965-1995.   The reductions reflect changes in concentration between the inflow and outflow of each STA or Reservoir.  Outflow concentrations reflect are the flow-weighted-means of STA discharges and high-flow bypasses.  Inflow concentrations are the flow-weighted-means of STA inflows and high-flow bypasses.

Volume Reductions, 1965-1995

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This chart shows the percentage reduction in discharge volume between structure inflows and structure outflows from each STA & Reservoir.   Net reductions reflect the combined effects of seepage in, seepage out, precipitation, & evapotranspiration.

Mean Water Loads, 1965-1995

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This chart compares the average inflow water load with the design value for each STA.  Water loads for the alternatives are based upon SFWMM simulations of the 1965-1995 period.   Design water loads are for Water Years 1979-1988. Other factors being equal, higher water loads will result in lower phosphorus  retention efficiencies and higher outflow concentrations.  Water loads exceeding design values are likely to result in outflow concentrations exceeding the design target of 50 ppb. Conditions in 1979-1988 were drier on average, compared with the entire 1965-1995 period.   This factor, coupled with water management schemes inherent in each alternative, causes water loads to exceed design values in some cases.

Maximum Hydraulic Loads, 1965-1995

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This chart compares monthly maximum hydraulic loads for each alternative and STA/Reservoir.  Water loads are computed from monthly water budgets for 1965-1995.    Hydraulic Load = Monthly Mean Inflow Rate / Surface Area

Mean Hydraulic Residence Time. 1965-1995

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This chart compares mean hydraulic residence times (HRT's) for each alternative and STA/Reservoir.  HRT's are computed from monthly water budgets for 1965-1995.  Longer HRT values generally promote phosphorus retention.  HRT = Mean Volume / Mean Discharge Rate.

Minimum Hydraulic Residence Time, 1965-1995

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This chart compares monthly minimum hydraulic residence times (HRT's) for each alternative and STA/Reservoir.  HRT's are computed from monthly water budgets for 1965-1995.   Longer HRT values would be expected to promote phosphorus retention.    HRT = Mean Volume / Mean Outflow Rate.

Mean Depths, 1965-1995

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This chart shows time-averaged mean depths over the 1965-1995 simulation period.   Design targets for STA's are Mean Depth = 1.5-2 feet, Minimum Depth = 0.5. feet, Maximum Depth = 4 feet.  The mean depth of the EAA storage reservoir is over-estimated because all of the volume is assumed to be contained in the first 20,000 acres.

Frequency of Depths < 0.5 feet, 1965-1995

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This chart shows the frequency (% of days) with mean depths less than 0.5 feet for each alternative and STA/Reservoir.  Depths below 0.5 feet are considered less desirable for promoting phosphorus retention in wetland treatment systems.   Sustained periods of dry soil may promote phosphorus recycling and reduce phosphorus retention efficiency.  

Frequency of Water Depths > 4 Feet. 1965-1995

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This chart shows the frequency (% of days) with mean depths greater than 4 feet for each alternative and STA/Reservoir.  Depths greater than 4 feet are considered undesirable for promoting growth of rooted aquatic macrophytes in the STA's. 

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STA & Reservoir Performance Measures

http://www.wwwalker.net/restudy/all6595.htm      Updated:  03/30/02