Variable Definitions:
C = Water Column Phosphorus
Concentration (ppb)
Q = Flow (hm3/yr)
P = Rainfall (m/yr)
E = Evapotranspiration Rate
Cp = Rainfall Phosphorus
Concentration, Bulk, Reflects Wet + Dry Deposition (ppb)
Ke = Effective Settling Rate
Fw = Fraction of Days with
Water Elevation Above Ground Surface
Uo = Infiltration Rate
(Seepage Out of STA) (m/yr)
Us = Exfiltration Rate
(Seepage Into STA) (m/yr)
Cs = Inflow Seepage Concentration
A = Wetland Surface Area (km2)
Z = Mean Water Depth (m)
Cb = Background Concentration
i = Subscript Indicating
Inlet Conditions
o = Subscript Denoting Outlet
Balances for STA's or Reservoirs:
Differential Equation:
d Q / d A =
b = P - E + Us - Uo
Boundary Condition:
Q = Qi
@ A = 0 (inflow to wetland)
Solution for Outflow Volume:
Qo = Qi
+ b A
Phosphorus Balance for Stormwater
Treatment Areas:
Walker, W.W., "Design Basis for Everglades
Stormwater Treatment Areas", Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp.
671-685, August 1995, Download stadesign.pdf (1.1 mb)
Differential Equation:
d ( QC ) / dA = P Cp +
Us Cs - Ke Fw
C - Uo C
Boundary Condition:
QC = Qi Ci
@ A = 0
Solution for Outlet Concentration (Plug Flow Conditions)::
Co = Cb
+ ( Ci - Cb ) ( Qo / Qi ) ( -r / b
r = P -
E + Us + Fw Ke
b = P -
E + Us - Uo
Cb = ( P Cp
+ Us Cs ) / r
Phosphorus Balance for Storage Reservoirs:
Walker, W.W., "Phosphorus Removal by Urban Runoff Detention
Basins", Lake and Reservoir Management, Volume 3, North American Lake
Management Society, pp. 314-238, 1987, Download
dbasins.pdf (0.8 mb)
Walker, W.W., "Empirical Methods for Predicting
Eutrophication in Impoundments, Report 3, Phase II, Model Refinements", prepared
for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Report E-81-9, March 1985.
Differential Equation:
d ( QC ) / dA = P Cp
+ Us Cs - K2 Fw
C 2 - Uo C
Boundary Condition:
Q C = Qi Ci
@ A = 0
Solution for Outlet Concentration (Completely Mixed
qo = Qo / A + Uo
K2 = 0.17 Fw qo
/ ( qo + 13.3)
Pi = ( Qi Ci
/ A + P Cp + Us Cs )
/ qo
N = K2 Pi
Z / qo
Co = Pi (
-1 + 4 N ) 0.5 / ( 2 N )
Reservoir Performance Measures - Introduction & Methods
STA & Reservoir Performance Measures
- Index
03/30/02 |