Segment Network


Segments can be configured in a one-dimensional, branched network that represents the flow path through the reservoir.  A variety of segmentation schemes can be specified to represent a range of reservoir morphometries and management problems.  

A segment refers to a geographic region of the reservoir.  A single segment is sufficient in reservoirs that are relatively well-mixed horizontally.

Multiple segments are appropriate in reservoirs with longitudinal (upstream-downstream) gradients or with multiple arms or embayments.

Segment numbers can be assigned in any order, as long as the downstream flow path is correctly represented.

To represent the flow path, an 'Outflow Segment' is specified for each segment.  If the segment discharges out of the reservoir, set the outflow segment number to 0.The 'Add', 'Insert' , & 'Delete' functions on the  Edit Segments  screen can be used to modify the segment configuration.